Assalamualaikum WBT readers ^^
Heya..semalam tak sempat nak update blog...hihih sorry! Semalam bersamaan 26 July, rin gi ke Lakemba..buat apa pegi Lakemba??
Pukul 7 lebih kitorang sampai Lakemba dan tuju ke masjid Lakemba untuk solat isya' dulu...
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sorry gambar gelap..sebab dari tingkat atas dari tinted window dan xleh buka lampu.. |
Masa mula2 sampai masjid Lakemba ni..rin rasa "WOW!! besarnya masjid ni!!" kagum kott jumpa masjid yang besar dan cantik kat tempat di mana agama Islam bukan agama rasmi...
pastu pulak bila da naik ke bahagian solat wanita... dan tengok ke bawah (refer gambar atas) rin rasa excited gilerr u olz! "wahh!!ramainyaaa orang Islam!!!diorang buat ape tuu??" (well masa tu diorang macam tengah mengaji ramai2...x dapat nak agak sebab jemaah solat isya' baru je habis so cam pelik la dengar diorang baca doa ramai-ramai tapi ramai jugak yang da kuar dari masjid...lepas penat pikir sorang2, kawan rin cakap..diorang ada tahlil kot..
(NOTE : rasa pelik sebab accent diorang ngaji lain..cara diorang 'lagu'kan ayat quran tu lain...sedap di dengar tapi xleh nak teka apa diorang buat) tapi memang merdu la imam tu mengaji/baca tahlil. hiks
So,lepas dah solat..sementara tunggu kawan2 yang lain..datang seorang makcik arab ni tegur rin dengan su..die beramah mesra la ngan kitorang tanya dari mana, datang sini buat apa...
yang bestnya tu bila dia kata kami semua budak sekolah! haks! (i take dat as a compliment u olzz!nampak sangat awet muda kannn :P )
lepas da explen yang kami ni budak university bagai2...pas tu die pesan kat kitorang..
the lady : you girls look nice and looks like a good girl..u can stay in this mosque for another 30 minutes or so but don't overnight're not sleeping here tonight right??
we olz : (Shakes our head)
the lady : Good then..after this, don't go girls are wearing hijab and there are quite a few of you here..this place isn't that safe you know..i mean there might be someone out there that will harm you because of your careful beautiful girls..take care of yourself and whatever happens, don't separate with your friends..walk in group is safer than walking alone... you know how it works...
rin and sue : *senyum kambeng* InsyaAllah..thank you for your reminder =)
dalam hati kauuu!!! omaigod!cuakk!!masa tu hanya pikir semoga Allah lindungi kami semua...
mungkin korang rasa pelik kenapa macik tu cakap gitu en??well kat Australia ni especially Sydney, diorang kebanyakannya agak takde la semua orang racists..kalau racists sangat tak survive la kami...cuma kena berhati-hati..kadang-kadang ada yang baling botol,kalau perempuan ni takut la sikit kan..kang die tarik tudung ke,rape ke??? nauzubillah min zalik..hanya kepada Allah kami semua berlindung...
okes!lepas macik tu habis meninggalkan amanat kepada kami..kami pun kuar dari masjid dan tuju ke bangunan betul2 sebelah masjid Ali (masjid Lakemba tu la)...kat situ la terletaknya conference Harun Yahya tu....Anyway nanti last skali rin buat conclusion..mula2 rin citer dulu and tunjuk gambar slide die yek...Do enjoy it everybody!
Speaker for the night...Harun yahya tak turun pun..dia kasi wakil die bercakap.. Br. Altug Eti dan Br Sadun Engin (Br. = Brother) |
So, tajuk conference malam tadi adalah berkaitan dengan :
Responding to Atheism
and it relates with theory of evolution by Charles Darwin
So korang pernah dengar tak Darwin's theory pasal manusia ni evolve dari beruk lalu menjadi manusia seperti sekarang???
Darwin's theory of Evolution |
You are here: Science >> Darwin's Theory Of Evolution
Darwin's Theory of Evolution - The Premise
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).
haaa basically masa conference ni die citer cane Islam dan Science berjaya menewaskan theory si Darwin...
Dan di bawah ni pulak apa yang science cakap dan balas balik kat theory si Darwin nii....
haa pastu kan pasal fossils ni..yer la dah dia cakap semua benda evolve dan ada mutation bagai la kat sini science cakap la yang sebenarnya there's no such thing because the fossils that they had didnt show any evolution happening...the same fossil they found million of years before (which haven't extinct yet) still live and have the original shape as they were before..
conclusion : TETTTTT Darwin kalah lagiiii
slide ni die cakap la yang zaman yang ada di dunia ni ada beberapa nama yang diorang bagi.. alaaa cam zaman paleolitik semua tu... haa ni zaman cambrian... |
The idea of evolution and Darwin's theory is to make people turn their back from their God (note that i didn't refer to any religion) Nowadays, people rely on science and science is only for those who have faith in Allah and at the same time it makes people to think about the miracles of Allah.
one thing for sure...the Darwinist couldn't explain about soul..
they surely can make thousands and billions of experiment to prove their theory on evolution but they couldn't figure out how soul is made up/of.
p/s : my conclusion tu campur2 sket dari apa yang rin dapat dari slide conference.. semoga apa yang rin share ni menghiburkan dan dapat menambahkan ilmu korang jugak.. ^^
Teringat dulu2 ni masa mula2 kecoh pasal theory Darwin..msa tu skola menengah kot...tergelak2 rin tgk tv and berita pasal theory of evolution..tanya budak tadika pun diorang akan gelak...sape je nak ngaku datang dari beruk?? *_* elok2 kita tahu nabi kita semua manusia...isk2 sabao je la enn...
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